Artists: Aeph, Bes, Billain, Gunston, Hibea, Infuze, Jade, M-Force, Maksim, Mefjus, Memtrix, Miditacia, Mortem, Neonlight, Nphonix, Optiv, Receptor, Teddy Killerz
Genre: Drum & Bass
Artists: Borderline, BTK, Calyx, Computerartist, Defazed, Enei, Foreign Beggars, Inward Phase, Kemo, Monologue, Optiv, Protone, RoyGreen, TeeBee, Teknik
Artists: Atmospherix, Beta 2, Disprove, Es.tereo, Gerwin, Gunston, Hibea, Larrge, Nuage, SPKTRM, Zero T
Artists: Bowsar, Break, Eiton, Fearful, Fracture, iM3, Kaiza, L 33, Legacy, Mefjus, Memtrix, Qo, Rico, Total Science
Artists: Audio, Break, Hooves, Hykario, NickBee, State of Mind, Survival, TREi, Zero Method
Artists: Gridlok, Robustus, The Clamps, Ulterior Motive, ZX
Artists: Allied, BTK, Cause4Concern, Dabs, Dextems, Dyamorph, Emperor, Hybris, KUNG, L 33, Maztek, Mefjus, Nocturnal, Octane & DLR, Parallax