Mos Def has an affinity for other peoples’ music – there are tons of videos of him around the net sharing his thoughts about other rappers he likes, and of him rapping their songs. I thought this one was cool because he is backed up by Black Thought of The Roots. I’ve only ever seen Mos live once, but I have to say it was a truly weird experience. He came with the Rock The Bells tour last year to Toronto to perform Black Star stuff with Talib, and was a real highlight of the show. He went on to do some solo stuff, and the best way my friends and I could describe his performance was as though we were watching him at home, alone, singing along to records that he likes. I’m really hoping he comes to Rock The Bells this year as a surprise performance, because I’d like the chance to change my opinion of his live set.. seeing him do these vids just isn’t enough!