Gals & pals, get your reading glasses out for this one, and if you don’t own a pair get on out and buy some anyways, cause you won’t want to miss out on a single word of this post. Throughout my surfing ventures across the vast web, i haven’t yet stumbled upon an intriguing portrayal of Toronto’s electronic scene, so i decided to take it upon myself to paint you one right here and now. I proudly bring you a Taste of Toronto. This post consists of the following parts; A Bassmentality review, a recent Toronto Pool Party Review, exclusive photos + (and i do mean plus), 6 exclusive interviews (Warrior Music, Hydee, The Girls Can Hear Us, MDMK, Conor Cutz & Conway), and finally, a contest! If any of the previous remotely spikes your interest, read on. If none of it does, well, you’re probably a lame person. For those non-lamers, feast on this!
For those of you who like your beats fast and your bass down low, Bassmentality has been quenching that aching need every Wednesday, week after week, after week! After hosting some of the largest artists in the dubstep arena, Bassmentality has proven itself as being no infant in the industry. Seeing the likes of Nero, Skrillex, 12th Planet, Netsky, Doctor P & Bar 9, to name a few – Bassmentality has solidified its place in Toronto as the dubstep hot-spot. Their event lineups never disappoint, their monthly artist roasters never fail, and Bassmentality has always had a way to over-exceed my expectations.
Bassmentality has seen exponential growth over the previous six months alone and will likely see itself soon outgrow the venue capacity it holds now – at Wrongbar. In due time, Bassmentility will have no choice but to move to a larger venue in order to accommodate the wrath of dub lovers that have been flocking to these Wednesday ragers. Behind the scenes, the minds that be have done a successful job so far, and will in my belief continue to do so. The proof lies within the numbers folks. You don’t have to take my word for it, take a look at the flyer provided above. If your in the vicinity for any of the days mentioned above, drop by 1279 Queen St. W. and be prepared for a salacious experience that will make any theme park ride look like rice cakes. Prepare for your mouth to salivate as soon as you reach the line…
Coming from the nestled woods of Alberta and making your way to the pretty lights of Toronto what made you decide upon this move in particular? Was it for music, if so, why not Montreal, Miami, LA? Warrior Music
The move was definitely for music, Edmonton has an incredible scene filled with incredible people but I found myself yearning for something more and I kind of wanted to get away from it all and really concentrate on music in an unfamiliar territory. I’ve always heard nothing but great things about Toronto’s scene and am/was constantly impressed by alot of the talent coming out of the city, it just seemed like a great place for me. I’ve met a ton of incredible artists and people that have really helped me break into the scene down here and I’m loving every second of it. As for choosing Toronto over other cities such as Miami, I wanted to try and stay in Canada, the only other place I seriously considered moving too was Montreal. ReySon
Well, i can safely speak for a lot of people, as well as myself when i say we’re glad you chose Toronto. Do you plan to make Toronto your permanent home? I’ve noticed you’re currently in Greece, do you have any ties to Greece (i.e. family)? Warrior Music
As for right now I have no plans to leave Toronto anytime soon, but who knows what the future holds! My dad was born in Greece so his whole side of the family still lives there, Its a nice excuse to get out of the country every year, I try to make it out every summer for a couple weeks. ReySon
Glad to hear your in for the long haul then! How has it been being part of the Bassmentality crew? You always seem to be having more fun than a kid at a candy park when your ripping a hard set at Bassmentality, haha. What’s on your personal agenda for the next little bit, any drastic changes or juicy news coming forth? Warrior Music
Thanks dude! The bass crew has been nothing but welcoming and I couldn’t be happier to be part of what I believe to be one of Canada’s premier bass music parties. Nothing beats the feeling of playing to a room full of people, as cliche as it sounds, I love few things more.
As far as the next little bit, I just finished up a bit of updating what I believed to be my best couple tunes from the last 6 months (so if you’ve already got em go check out the new updates!) or so as well as cleaning up my Soundcloud a bit by taking down alot of tracks I released from the last year. Although I loved a lot of them, I feel that I need to make room for my new material as I grow as an artist. Other than that, expect a TON of new material from myself, I’ve been slaving away pretty hard in the studio and can’t wait to get some new tunes out! ReySon
“Canada’s Premier Bass Music Parties”, now that’s a half decent slogan! haha. Nathan, let’s rewind the clocks and take us back to a time before Toronto, before Warrior Music…how did it all begin? At what point did you 110% know that this was your path in life (as cliche as that sounds, haha)? Warrior Music
seriously. It wasn’t until my 2nd year in University that I really felt myself rushing home from class to make tunes. I had been dj’ing for a couple years at that point so it just seemed like the logical step. I wasn’t really paying attention in school anymore because all I could think about was working on music, so I dropped out and have been working on music ever since! Its become quite an addiction at this point. ReySon
You made the right decision in the end mate. It’s always funny hearing artist/djs explaining that they dropped out at a certain point in their life, because i find it happens quite often. Out of curiosity, what were you studying in Uni? Do you have any regrets attending University (thinking perhaps you could of saved yourself some time and money)? Warrior Music
I was kind of doing general studies, I didn’t really know exactly what I wanted to study so I flipped between Art & Design and Political Science for awhile. I don’t have any regrets as far as going to school goes, I think University is one of those things everyone who has the opportunity to go to, should, even if its just to find out its not for you. A lot of people seem to lose hold of their goals though and feel like the only way to achieve what they want is through school, which I believe to be a pretty unhealthy outlook. ReySon
I think you’re right, if the opportunity does present itself to further ones education, grab hold of it. Knowledge is power. Anyhow, from the classroom to the playground, switching the topic a bit, i noticed you attended Shambhala festival in Salmo, BC, how was it??? What was your fav moment from the festival? Have you attended in the past? I have yet to go, and i think next year ill be adding it to my agenda! Warrior Music
Shambhala was incredible! It was my first year going and I honestly didn’t know what really to expect, but I was blown away! My favorite moment from the festival was probably girl units set on the Friday night. It was A 4am set, it was our first night there and the sun was coming up, it was pure vibes. I would definitely recommend that everyone gets down there! It’s a festival experience like no other! ReySon
Well, you don’t have to tell me twice! Ive scratched it in for next years agenda. Lets room up and get bunk beds??? haha. Alright mate, it was a definite pleasure having you on Salacious, and i greatly appreciated every moment of it all. Do you have and closing words friend? Warrior Music
Anytime! Seriously, i love you guys! I’m honored that you had me. As for closing words, be sure to whip my new track – provided below – onto your speaks, and take a stroll into Wrongbar one of these days to drop a hello! Thanks Corey!
Ruben (Hydee), how long have you been in this game (the dj game – the industry)? At first glance, from your stellar knock out dj sets even to the way you carry yourself you seem to have a few years under your belt, could i be correct? Hydee
Been djing since early 2000 so I’d say 10 years + but started music since I was 10 playing the drums, also started mcing about 13yrs ago to dnb, so yeh I guess u could say I have a few years under my belt lol. ReySon
10+ years to your name, that is impressive my friend. You must have seen or done some wild things in the span of those 10+ years. What is the wildest thing you’ve done or seen in that time-frame? Hydee
I’ve been to some crazy jams in my days, seen some crazy stuff, lots of chicks flashing, crazy crowd surfing. I can’t really pin point the craziest moment, but there has defo been some good memories along that way. ReySon
Haha, that’s amazing! Chicks flashing is always a bonus in your career. No complaints all around. What has been your favorite set or your favorite venue to have spun at? Hydee
Hmmmmmm well Canada with AC Slater was pretty bonkers prolly my most recent set that I can remember being one of the best…venue wise, i always love a packed house @ the pheonix, Koolhaus after Rusko was epic and mod club is always a good time! ReySon
Mint choices! I would be 10feet of the ground for any of those as well. I noticed that you recently spun at an event in Peterborough where, you, were the headliner! How does it feel being the headliner on occasion? Hydee
Its always good to be noticed and booked to headline by ppl and promoters and such, means your doing a good job and ppl are noticing it, hard work does pay off!! ReySon
That nose to the grimestone always does eventually pay off, if only everyone believed it. What type of gear did you grow up on? Do you recall the make of your first mixer? And what do you prefer rocking on nowadays? Hydee
Originally learned on 2 Technic turntables and a vestax mixer, wasn’t mine was an old buddy of mine, when I bought gear first was a pioneer djm 500 mixer off a buddy, then only last year got turntables, then bought cdj 2000’s couple months ago so really my only practice was either going to a friends for the first like 8 yrs or playing out @ shows!! My perfect set up nowadays would be a pioneer djm 900 and 2 cdj 2000 ‘s ReySon
Killer setup! I know the feeling of finally receiving decent equipment…i just recently scored an Allen & Heath Xone 4D, and i couldn’t be more thrilled. Moving on, take yourself 5 years into the future, where do you see yourself? Do you have any big hairy audacious goals in store? Hydee
5 yrs damn lol uhmmmm defo touring internationally, making sick beats, some good money and just traveling meeting new ppl and playing with the best, full time dj I guess would be my answer lol ReySon
Those are very respectable goals and all within reach. Here’s a random off topic question…whats your favorite flavor of ice cream? Haha. Now on the serious side, how do you like being part of the Embrace family? Have you evolved and learned a great deal by being involved in the company? Hydee
Ice cream damn now I want some hahaha uhmmm mint chocolate chip is bomb and I love the chocolate with the peanut butter as well! Embrace is life to me, I love those guys with every ounce of my body, they have been amazing to me and I got nothing but respect for the whole team, as far as evolving, the only reason I’m in the dub scene and gone as far as I have is because they gave me the chance and opportunity, so I’ve definitely evolved and learned a great deal these past couple years. ReySon
Now i want a scoop as well! Im gonna cut this short and run off to Dairy Queen, haha. Well Ruben, i think that’s about it for now, thank you for your time, and your responses. I have one last question to top it all off…for the aspiring dj’s out there, what words of wisdom can you sling at them? Hydee
If u spin….they will come
Will, my fine feathered friend, explain to me how the name, The Girls Can Hear Us came to fruition? It is a unique name after all. TGCHU
When TGCHU was about 5-6 songs deep, we were still nameless. I was living with a few friends in London (Ontario), and the girls who lived above us could here every greasy bit of debauchery and shameless foolishness that went on in our humble den of iniquity via a shitty old vent in our living room. One day, I was explaining to one of my roommates what “docking” is when I notice that I was standing a mere cocklength from said vent. I had already gone into meticulous detail, as if I were giving a tutorial on how to “dock” and stated “oh shit, I forgot the girls can hear us”. My roommate said we should make that the band name and I agreed. ReySon
Haha, that’s a wild story, let’s hope you now live in a place where the girls can’t here you. Yes, that was my attempt at a joke. haha. Since that day, the creation of TGCHU, what has been the highlight moment of the group? TGCHU
Either the first time we toured the Dominican or the first time I got messages from people saying they were hearing Everyday on the radio. Got a semi on both occasions but I didn’t measure the comparative Mohs. ReySon
Those are definitely a couple highlights to be proud of! What can we expect from TGCHU in lets say, the next 6months to a year? Do you have anything on the chopping block that you can let the readers/fans in on? TGCHU
We have started work on a new album for the fall. We will also be touring starting in September. We have a few official remixes dropping along with a new video this summer. ReySon
That’s great news, seems as though you’ll have more than enough to keep you occupied over the next few months. I’m sure the fame of TGCHU didn’t happen over night and you aren’t where you are today without a little elbow grease, am i right? Has there been any hardships with TGCHU over the years? Is there any artist that you’re greatly influenced by and that you possibly attribute to your sound, or success? TGCHU
I don’t really consider it to be work. People were kind enough to spread our tracks around & it took about a year before paid gigs started coming in, but I was in school at the time anyway. I am more influenced by the non musical elements around me than any artist to be honest. A song is more likely to come out of a fun night than anything else for me. ReySon
Agreed, the best inspiration always comes from the elements that surround you. For the techies out there, when you’ve received your inspiration and you begin hammering out a new track, what equipment/software do you do so on? Any particular VSTs that you swear by? TGCHU
The DAW I use is Logic Pro. I try not to get caught up using one vst too much, I tend to layer the instruments native to the program with eternal ones. You can do a lot with the ES2. I use Massive a little, and I like Sylenth. The Sausage Fattener is pretty cool for mastering. ReySon
Haha, YES, the now iconic Dada Life Sausage Fattener! Only two knobs, but one greasy end-resulting sound. Okay, switching the topic a bit, what are your thoughts on the Toronto electronic scene? Would you classify it in the same category as let’s say, Miami, Las Vegas, LA or European cities? TGCHU
There seems to be a pretty decisive line dividing the electronic audience in Toronto. It appears that demand is either for transformer-gang-rape-step, or one beep with a rolling baseline. To be clear, I’m not being a hater. I think both crowds are very knowledgeable, and there is a huge amount of talent coming out of the city. I think Southern Ontario has become comparable to the other major centers talent wise. ReySon
So essentially, what your saying is that a Skrillex vs. Afrojack battle royal is dominating the scene currently? lol. In the past 3 years alone, this transformer-gang-rape-step (or in general terms, dubstep) has grown exponentially and basically exploded onto our speakers – or subs should i say. Dubstep has seen itself infecting artists of every style with the dub-bug and in doing so has consequently spilled over into multiple other genres. Why do you personally think dubstep has become so massive? Your thoughts on its future perhaps? Source: Google Trends TGCHU
I think cathartic quality is the primary reason for its popularity. Its happened several times, with Punk, New Wave Metal, etc. It seems to me like the rise of aggressive music genres is at least in part a reflection of people needing a release, and if not an expression of discontent, a channel to guide untapped emotion / group sentiment. I think its longevity will mostly be through its integration as an element of other genres. ReySon
Great response! I have one last and final question to wrap everything up because otherwise this interview would turn into a Stephen King novel…who would you absolutely love to open up for? Any particular artist(s) you would love to see rolling into our neck of the woods? TGCHU
I like dead people the most. I want to be part of an extravaganza with Bill Hicks, Bradley Nowell, Kurt Cobain, Dimebag Darrell and John Lennon. Since that’s impossible, Daft Punk. ReySon
Ohh, I can’t wait for DP to begin touring North America once again. Let’s hope those 2 frenchies don’t go dieing on us! Well Will, it’s been a hoot having TGCHU on Salacious and I appreciate your a-grade responses. I’m positive Salacious Sound will be seeing more of The Girls Can Hear Us in the future. Cheers! TGCHU
Awesome thanks man! We are playing in Toronto on Saturday, August 13th @ XS Nightclub btw ;D
Las Vegas & Miami pool parties tend to be held up to high standards, after all, it is Vegas & Miami. However, having experienced a healthy dose of a Toronto pool party recently, i can safely say Toronto pool parties are a very close runner up. All the key ingredients that were needed to cook up a wet and naughty poolside party were present that day. Throw in a dash of heat, a pinch of sun, a scoop of liqour, heck 3 bottomless scoops, one massive bowl of sexy “fine dine brizzles”, a teaspoon of bomb beats, and finally you have a potent recipe for…well what else, fun! Even Barry White would be jealous of our Toronto pool parties…whatever that means. Now, pictures can sometimes tell a thousand words, but other times, they simply render you speechless. Just take a look at the shots we snapped up…
Mike, this is an informal question, what do you like to do on rainy days? (haha) Second, what are your goals for MDMK 2, 5, and 10 years down the road? MDMK
On rainy days, I like to put on a small white shirt and booty shorts, then go puddle jumping with all my friends lol. Basically the goal for the rest of my life is to never have an actual real job again. Im going back to school for music in 2012, so we’ll see where that goes. ReySon
Which institution do you plan on attending? Do you have any prior musical background or knowledge to enter the program with, or are you all self-taught at this stage? MDMK
Ill be attending Music Industry Arts at Fanshawe in 2012 or so the plan is. Marko (MK) is just going to keep taking over the world and then join me at school. We both come from a non instrumental background, but just have submerged ourselves with it forever. Also, Markos older brother is a DJ and when we were young he introduced us to a lot of new and exciting things. For the most part, we are self taught. ReySon
So I’ve noticed that not only are you the MD in MDMK but your half of The Girls Can Hear Us as well, how do you find the time to take part in both and for what reason? MDMK
Well I am currently unemployed and am only taking one course this summer, so i pretty much have all the free time in the world. Also having Marko in the group is a big help, say TGCHU and MDMK get booked for the same night, different venues, I just play with Will and Marko plays the MDMK shows.
The reason we do this, to sum it up, is because we just love to DJ, party and entertain the hell out of people. Seeing them go crazy to the music we’re playing just relieves so much stress and brings joy, no matter what style of music. Well, except generic top 40. ReySon
f you love something, maximize the experience, good strategy! At this moment, what would you say is your favorite track to rinse in your dj sets? Also, your thoughts on moombahton, do you play it? Do you respect the new emerging genre? MDMK
I believe you meant to say Moonbutton, as yes from time to time I do press it. Usually only 2-4 songs per night though, then back up to 128 bpm. Personally, I love it, it’s music you can dance to, instead of just two stepping or bruking out. I do find as though some people aren’t really getting the concept right now. Whenever we drop it, most people just bounce to the timing of the quarter kick and don’t treat it as you would dance to Reggae-ton, or other alike genres. Unless the night is based around Moonbutton, its not hitting home for most people I find. ReySon
Haha, and that’s why i love you, you’re always there to correct me when im wrong (Inside jokes friends…we tend to say Moonbutton instead of Moombahton). And i will have to side with you on people’s misconception of the genre, I think those ill-informed are just confused right now. People just need someone to show them the way! On that note, who has been your idol, your influences, your guided light over the years? MDMK
As far as idols go, there’s not just one stand out for me, I do though look up to many of them. For example I really look up to Andy C and Richie Hawtin for their Djing complexity but also look up to guys like Steve Aoki and Drop the Lime for the energy they bring to the stage. Also, not really my style of music, but the amount of preparation and work Amon Tobin puts into his live show is incredible, can’t wait to see it in October. Last but not least, Weezy, to be that fucked up all the time and still put out that many tracks, shows and music videos, you have to give him credit. ReySon
Very true on all counts. They are each great in their own respects. Well MD, I think that’s pretty much well all for this time around. Thanks for the interview, your time, and your responses. One last and final question, what did you think of the Oasis Pool Party last weekend? MDMK
Man I loved it, such a fun environment, I can’t wait to play at it again. Only downside is that there wasn’t enough bass, but I’m a Prima Donna, what can I say.
There comes a time in a persons life where they need to be educated on the man who is, Conor Cutz. Conor, tell our fine Salacious Sound fans what your story is and what you’ve been doing recently to keep busy? Conor Cutz
Hello my name is Conor. C O N O R….and I’m a turntablist. I actually started DJing around 6 years ago, and have been playing professionally for the last 3. I have always been a junkie for utilizing the turntable as a musical instrument. My personal philosophy is that it is something you can play, rather than just play records on, hence why I cut, juggle, and do turntable tricks during most of my live sets.
The last year, in particular, has been a whirlwind, I got to travel all across Canada and play new cities and towns I have never even been to, let alone D.J. For example getting Screeched in in St. Johns, Newfoundland while DJing there for Halloween. Hands down one of the craziest nights of my life. Other than that, this summer I’ve been working closer in Toronto, reestablishing my brand, and trying to get grounded here by locking down a few different residencies and a monthly party with my homie, ‘Kid MK, the last Friday of every month at Andy Pool Hall. ReySon
Amazing, truly amazing! Ive have to put it out there, i love the brand that you have established with Conor Cutz, i truly do. Both the logo, the name, your reputation, it all has a solid catch to it, and has great potential. Now, you mentioned you had the opportunity to tour across Canada, is touring across the US or overseas in the books for sometime soon? Is there anywhere in particular you would simply love to spin a solid set? Conor Cutz
Thank you! Actually, I am currently planning a 5 week trip to Europe, leaving mid August. We are in talks right now for a few gigs lined up over there in several cities, but nothing is confirmed yet, still keeping my fingers crossed! In terms of where I would love to spin? I am really interested in the more diverse cities, I hear Budapest, Prague, several parts of Croatia, all have amazing party scenes, and I would love to one day be able to spin in either of those places. Little more off the map ReySon
Totally! Why do the ordinary, when you can do the unusual extraordinary. Well, im happy for you, i would give my right nut to spin at any of those destinations. Now lets talk specifics, when you spin a set at a venue or city, is there any rigorous preparation or mind psyching? For example, wash your hands twice, chug 7 Redbulls and run 5 laps around the club, Haha. And lastly, tell me your stance on moombahton, the new exponentially emerging genre? Conor Cutz
Haha. I wish there was something interesting I could say about that. But truthfully I keep it pretty tame. I make sure to run before every event, just to clear my head and get out any jitters. Hah. I really wish there was something more interesting.
Moombahton. I am definitely into it. It’s got this energy that makes people want to shake their ass. I see a lot of local DJs adding Moombahton into their sets these days, which definitely shows its on the come up fast. It’s also great to see dudes like Torro Torro producing moombahton, and holding it down on the homefront. Those guys are incredible. ReySon
Well shit Conor, don’t sweat it…that just means we can invent you one! Let’s brainstorm! Haha. The Moomba-craze is definitely making waves here in Toronto, and i am also glad that Torro Torro is one of those on the forefront of it all. Conor, when your not behind the turntables, where can we find you? Are you a party feine and would remain at the clubs regardless, or would you be up north in the Muskokas fishing? Conor Cutz
Like everything I feel there needs to be a good balance. I am definitely a homebody most of the time, but that will definitely not stop me from going out to events if they are going to be fun. Toronto has got such a unique and diverse set of DJs, who I am glad to say I am friends with, so I am always down to support one of my boys if they are playing around town. At the same time though, I love a good lazy Sunday haha. Always a recipe for fun and some serious Saved By the Bell marathons. ReySon
I’d have to say most people are on your side about those lazy-Sundays…and all the remainder are probably just Saved by the Bell haters. haha. Conor, speaking of these “events that are going to be fun [or have been]”…how was Vegas for EDC? To clarify to the readers, you were there for pleasure and not business…but are you aiming to make next years EDC trip a business one and perhaps score a time-slot? haha Conor Cutz
EDC Vegas was a blast this year. It was my first time going. I went with some friends, just for pleasure, and it was definitely quite the experience. I love Vegas, and I love the whole ruthless party dynamic, so combining that with EDC this year was definitely a no brainer. Next year I will definitely be going back. Hopefully this time for business. Haha. I’d love to get a set time down there and throw down in the party capital of North America. Sign me up! ReySon
Vegas is and will always be…Vegas. A question about “how Vegas was” might of been a pointless one, haha. Conor, this looks like the end of the line for now, i just want to thank you for your responses, you’ve been a real sport! Haha. Have a great time in Europe! One last question before you go, what part of your Euro-trip are you most excited for? Conor Cutz
Tough question! I’d have to say I am probably most excited for the second half of the trip, Eastern Europe, visiting Croatia, Budapest, Prague, etc. We were originally going to be spending a night or two in Monaco and ball out like James Bond, haha, BUT we figured we’d blow all our coin there most likely, so it wouldn’t be the WISEST choice. EIther way, can’t wait!
Thanks for everything Corey, and Thank you Salacious Sound for the interview! Look forward to seeing everyone when I get back in September! Check my twitter for updates and pics from the trip.
So Ryan (Conway), for those knoobs out there out there who don’t know remotely who you are (which they truly should), describe who are in less than 10 words. Conway
For your answer…10 words is a pain haha but I guess to best describe my modus operandi would be…
Forget genres, aim for subs, outlast the rest. ReySon
Very well put my friend. See 10 words wasn’t too bad. Now, i’ve noticed that you produce some tech-house, some dubstep, and other genres, and you just mentioned “forget genres”, what’s your ultimate favorite to produce and dj? Why not stick to just that one particular genre then? Conway
Ya I somehow survived… but maybe add learn or evolve or something similarly corny and deep haha. Anyways, with production I usually start with a basic kick-snare pattern and then play with sounds until I create something I like. The songs always take their genre and shape based on what I end up making…. a driving electro riff, a growling dubstep wobble, a glided-out bassline, a bouncy hip hop piano riff …basically whatever starts working with my drums. I try not to stick to the same sounds but whether tech or dub, like I said, I’m always aiming for the subs.
As for the live shows, the past few years I’ve found myself leaning towards the heavier stuff, but it all depends on the situation… I like feeling out the crowd and dropping what I think fits best for the venue and my set time. My favourite is playing to a really responsive heavy electro and dubstep crowd though. I love the feeling of waking up with a seized neck and knowing its from making a few hundred or a thousand people go insane. I guess the reason I don’t just stick strictly to that is because I can’t deny my love for other styles, I mean I’ve toyed around with the idea of starting a side project with the tech and house vibes while dedicating Conway strictly to destruction, but I kinda like being associated with not having a genre right now. Who knows though, I could have a genre-specific side project started next week haha. ReySon
Haha, a seized neck! I can recall countless of those nights. I book the doctors appointment before the shows now. And, i completely respect a producer who knows no boundaries with their musical style…genre-less you could say. I think as music and artists both evolve they can’t be relegated to only one genre nowadays, but inside learn how to adapt. Now, originally coming from the London (Ontario) music scene, how would you say that scene differs from that of Toronto’s? Do you prefer the EDM scene in London over the one in Toronto, or does each have its own quirks? Conway
Hahaha, ya it gets pretty rough on tour doing a few nights in a row, but I really cant complain considering I’m doing what I love. As for the Toronto vs London thing, our scene is still in its growing stages. Toronto draws big crowds for mid range up and upcoming artists, whereas London, until recently, only got sweaty packed for EDM artists that top 40 kids could sing along to… it was more for the party aspect than the musical composition of the specific artist. Not to say that we don’t get amazing acts through here, because we do and have for awhile, I just remember a few years ago watching Dirty South play to myself and 20 people. An amazing intimate show, but lets be serious, dude regularly plays stadiums and a few hundred London house heads couldn’t make it to the show? Its a little disappointing and discouraging in that way sometimes, to see shows with such amazing potential and talent flopping.
On the other hand what we have here is stronger than ever and this year is only gonna be bigger, everybody in the scene deserves credit for getting it to where it is now, even the shadiest of the shadiest of promoters have had a part in building it from the ground up. I love this city and the people in it. As time goes on I can guarantee London will be seen as a staple in the Canadian electronic music scene. We have so much talent and so many up and coming artists its only a matter of time before we start getting international recognition as a crucial stop between Toronto and the west coast on any Canadian tour. ReySon
Finally, a refreshing response. Thank you. Are there any other cities in Ontario that you see having the same potential? What are your thoughts on Waterloo? Conway
I think Waterloo has raised the bar by booking every major house and electro dj we can think of, but Beta seriously needs to get a liquor license…seriously. Dont get me wrong, I have nothing but love for the people behind Waterloo’s growth, because they’ve absolutely destroyed it this year, but it kills me a little bit when people mistake the Beta in Denver (which rates in the top 15 in the Dj Mag best clubs in the World) for the Waterloo venue.
Other than that I have to say Ottawa has experienced the most consistent growth of stops for touring dubstep artists in the past year. The Knwldg’s Dubsmack parties went from small, maybe mid range artists to cats like Skrillex, Rusko, Bare Noise and basically every top shelf dubstep artist you can think of. Carlyle has turned a struggling monthly into a thriving bass driven staple for any Canadian tour. ReySon
It looks like i have a few parties to check out! Haha. For our readers who are curious, Beta in Waterloo rates in at #26 on DJ Mag’s Top 100 clubs. Ryan, you just recently had a gig in Bala, Ontario @ The Kee, what was your take on the far-northern-cottage-country venue? Do you think cities far north have a real chance in making a name for themselves in the Canadian EDM scene? Conway
The Kee to Bala is an iconic venue that’s seen some of the biggest rock acts in the World (Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc). Unfortunately I cant really see it being anything more consistent than a few big named EDM artists a couple weekends in the summer. Its just such a big venue for such a remote location, you need 4 hundred or more people for it to look somewhat packed. Even the Aoki show recently could have used a hundred or more people for a venue that size….awesome show though! ReySon
Well mate, If you’re able to make it to The Kee’s Resort Monday’s you will witness a full-house every single Monday. Haha. Speaking of crowds and full-houses, what has been your largest crowd (venue), and perhaps your wildest crowd (gig)? Conway
Really? Is it a top 40 night? I rarely head up North so I wont pretend to know haha. Umm, my biggest crowd was probably Death Crew at the London Music Hall last week (August 4th)… Actually I’m positive I’ve played to bigger crowds doing the club dj thing but as far as actual EDM shows, definitely Death Crew. As for the craziest, I’ve had some insane Wednesdays at Jacks in London (Ontario). Were talking table dancing, crowd surfing, headbanging, packed, sweaty mayhem on a weekly basis… consistently the craziest shows I do. ReySon
I have personally witnessed these notorious Jack Wednesday’s first hand folks, and Ryan is definitely not blowing smoke up your asses. Anyhow my fine feathered friend, that time has arrived. I just want to thank you for your time Ryan, i know how hectic artist/dj schedules can be, so a big ups for your responses and patience. We hope to see you on Salacious in the near future once again! Any last and final words for our readers to munch on? Cheers dude! Conway
Anytime dude, I had fun, thanks for having me! Final words? Ya i guess just make sure you check out my album ‘Metal Kids’ on August 31st, forthcoming on Fashionably Laid Records and come to the release party the same date at Jacks London w Andy’s iLL, MDMK, and surprise FL guest sets all night.
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