Now all you 110-trolololers, say what you will about Moombahton, but one let’s get one thing clear – Tiesto’s son, Dillon Francis is the coveted white freezie when it comes to innovative bass music.
Oliver’s Night Is On My Mind is in itself one of the grooviest dance tracks to grace EDM in quite some time, so granted one shan’t be blamed for being a little skeptical at hearing those first few kicks bumped up to a quirky 110 beats per minute. However, survive the infancy, let your head catch the groove and Leroy Jenkins, does your body start to do weird things.
As an avid lover of Moombah ( and we are indeed a dying breed), there’s truly nothing like a Francis production to pulse some momentum back in to the scene. Should you wish (and who wouldn’t), you can get your hands and feet on this ‘Big-Room-Bahton’ bad boy right this very second, available now on ‘ze iTunes, right hur’. Go ‘von deeper, amigos.
Dillon Francis:
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