Erik and David, the duo known as The Juggernaut, have been tearing up the L.A. bass scene for years. Their sound is instantly recognizable and they’ve had their tracks released on SMOG and OWSLA. But for the last year they’ve been rather quiet, until they dropped the massive single Chinese Finger Trap. Erik took the time to answer some questions about where they went and what the future holds for The Juggernaut.
Erik and David thanks for taking the time! How did you two meet and how did you guys end up producing?
We met through mutual friends and then from there we played in a hardcore band together for a few years. When the band broke up, I approached Dave about producing tracks since he had already been messing around with ideas on the computer.
You guys disappeared for a long time. What happened during that period?
I (Erik) got married. Dave and I also just wanted to shut down for a while and refocus on the stuff we want to make. We want to experiment in other genres and expand our fan base.
Your track, Chinese Finger Trap, got really far in the Beatport charts. How was the reception?
We were really happy to see how high up it got. We were hoping it would do well since that was a track that we were constantly asked about.
Chinese Finger Trap was released through OWSLA, how did you hook up with Sonny and the people at OWSLA?
We have known Sonny for years now. We met at a random warehouse party in LA and this was right before he began really pushing the Skrillex moniker.
When producing, what DAW and VSTs do you guys use?
I use Ableton, Dave uses Pro Tools. We use massive and reason mostly.
Two of your most anticipated tracks, Sock Hop & I Hate Dubstep, were released for free. Why did you guys choose to go that route?
We decided that it was just time to give more things out for free and not make people always have to pay for releases. For whatever we plan to release in the future, we plan to give a lot out for free now.
What have you guys been listening to lately?
A lot of different stuff. Classic rock, hardcore, old disco, indie stuff, some old hip hop. Just listenin to a lot of classic, good music.
What’s the plan for you two in 2013? New EP or Tour?
We have started working on an album. The direction so far is very different from anything we have made before, so it might be polarizing for people who enjoy our current sound, but we are definitely excited to do something different and explore new genres. We have 2 shows in Florida at the end of July. They are at the Ampitheatre in Tampa and Neon Liger in Gainsville. That’s all we have planned for shows at the moment.
The Juggernaut On: