Tits and Clits are always killing it, there’s no doubt in that. They just released a free download on one of their singles so make sure you pick this up. Enjoy.

Make sure you follow them on their

[audio:Parov Stelar – Booty Swing (Tits and Clits Remix).mp3]

Tits & Clits dropped this today and it is on FIRE. One of my favourite songs right now, absolutely burning up any speaker that plays it with it’s insanely catchy tune. Superb Tits & Clits. I can see this song really going far and making top 5 on hypem.com or any other hipster list. Give these guys are love if we want to see more banging tracks come out! Great work Tit’s & Clits.

[audio:Lucrecia Protellor – Transylvanian Emperor (Tits & Clits Remix).mp3]

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[audio:The Count and Sinden – Addicted (Tits and Clits remix).mp3,Daft Punk – Prime Time Of Your Life (Tits and Clits Remix).mp3]

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