“Ever since I heard Bohemian Rhapsody as a kid, I’ve loved music that abandons typical verse/chorus structures in favor of movements – like the modern equivalent of a symphony. I feel like Windswept does that; it ebbs and flows like a dream through its various acts, chronicling the slow dissolution of something which once was strong. It’s a really vulnerable song for me, and I second guessed my choice to put it out multiple times… but what is an artist without honesty? Feeling vulnerable is part of the craft I have chosen, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Crywolf releases a new single off his upcoming Skeleton EP – this time, the Californian genre-defyer tells a tale of what once was, as he struggles to hold on to whatever fragments are left. Given the huge success of last year’s Cataclasm EP, this helps pave the way for an even bigger project which is sure to move us in the same way, if not even more so. Windswept is currently available for download, and will be available on all digital platforms this coming Friday.
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