The Tracks I bring to you today are two tracks by Norwegian Producer “Aniki.” I’ve been listening to him for quite some time since his release of his remix “9th Hour Girl” which, if you haven’t listened to yet, then god help you. That remix is something else… But back to the tracks I’m talking about today.
The first song is “Hausbraak,” a really upbeat track that starts with that “action movie of the 90’s sound” that’s been chopped and screwed. it has a very heavy bass throughout and keeps you grooving. I love that chopping and screwing of vocals so this song was just a golden jewel for me.
Hausbraak (Original Mix) BUYING THIS SINGLE SHOULD WORK NOW by aniki
The second track is more soothing, the beginning makes me think it would be something you would hear released by Deadmau5. It’s almost a house song. Very danceable.