Who is Project 46? Where have you been! Coming out of the gate with more force than Chuck Norris’s bicep, this dynamic duo is showing the world first hand what they came here to accomplish. Chart topper after chart topper, P46 has definitely stolen some of that EDM spotlight this year. Im excited to see what 2012 has in store for these boys. For those of you not well versed in Project 46, we have the the full scoop – and then some. Enjoy…
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Ryan, it’s a real pleasure to have you here on the site, tell me a bit about Project 46. What have you been doing to keep busy, but most importantly where did you boys come from? You boys sort of appeared out of thin magical air and hit the scene running in all the good ways.
Project 46
Project 46 is a collaboration between myself and Thomas Shaw. We honestly have just been spending ridiculous time in the studio the past five months making music, planning our releases and continuing to learn. We were introduced by a mutual acquittance and I guess the rest we like to refer to as divine intervention. We have both been lucky enough to have been able to focus a lot of time on this and are fortunate to have some good friends that have taught us the ropes early on, all of that has contributed to the solid foundation we have now!
It seems as though you have the ultimate blueprint to success, so keep doing what your doing obviously! Now, regarding this collaboration, it strikes me as somewhat of an unorthodox collaboration. I mean, Thomas does come from west coast Canada and you from the east. Take me into a typical production session between the two of you. Step by step.
Project 46
I guess it may seem unorthodox from the outside looking in, however with technology we are able to easily share project files. I think there is a lot of artists that are using technology to there advantage for collaborations now. I think that it’s going to become more and more important with the hectic tour schedules that seem to be part of the business.
However in our case, we are avid Skype users. We log in and use the share screen option. It really makes us feel like we are in the same room! We have also been lucky enough to have been able to spend 2 weeks together in the past 4 months.
Two weeks out of four months is not a bad ratio, could be worse. Are there any plans on somebody moving permanently to the other? And speaking of plans, since the new year is fast approaching, what are your plans for 2012? Do you have any target goals in mind, or are you just going with the flow?
Project 46
I don’t think either of us really needs to consider moving. If things work out well it will put us on the road a lot more. That should give us a lot more time to work together. To be honest, a 5 hour flight within the Canadian borders isn’t really a big deal. As for plans, we’ll have a lot of really big official remixes coming out in early 2012. I guess the main goal is to get out and play some shows in as many markets as possible. We are seeing offers coming in from around the world now which is a really good sign. We would also really love to play a big festival this year. Besides that, we just plan on working hard in 2012!
Looks like the hard work is already paying off ten-fold my friend, working hard in 2012 might send you to the moon! Im excited for you guys! Lets talk about this work, how do you guys go about making music? When you sit down to make a track, what’s the first thing you typically do?
Project 46
We always start with melodies. We typically number our melodies we come up with until we find one we like! Sometimes it can take some digging, our current project is currently at melody 35. Once we decide on a melody we have a good 30 hours of work ahead of us.
Sounds like a very unique production method. Has there ever been a point where you got to lets say melody 99 and then just said f&$% it and botch the whole project? lol.
Project 46
Well since the melody is normally the beginning of the project, I think if we quit at 99 then we would have to retire. However with that being said, there is a lot of times where you think you like a melody and get going, just to find its not what you want. Doesn’t take long for a week to go by just to find yourself on the drawing board again with nothing to show for the last week LOL.
Haha! All those dollars spent on coffee/energy drinks gone to waste. darn! Now on the flip-side of everything, when your not in the studio toiling away at work work work, what do you find yourselves doing or spending most of your time doing other than music? Is anybody a closet knitter, a mean fisher, a father of 10? haha.
Project 46
We are in the studio a minimum of 50 hours a week right now …So besides the odd Call of Duty session, there really is not much more to talk about. lol
Haha, that is respectable. You must however still listen to a lot of music on your spare time…so what would be your top 10 tracks on your playlist at the current moment?
Project 46
Here we go:
.1. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects feat. Erik Hecht – Walking Alone
.2. Avicii & Nicky Romero – ID
.3. Avicii – Fade into Darkness (Albin Myers Remix)
.4. Kele vs Sander van Doorn – What Did I Do (Feat. Lucy Taylor)
.5. Michael Calfan – Resurrection (Axwell Recut Club version)
.6. Spencer & Hill & Nadia Ali – Believe it (Cazzette’s Remix)
.7. DEVolution feat. Amy Pearson – Good Love (Alesso Remix)
.8. Coldplay – Paradise (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
.9. Avicii – Levels
.10. Michael Woods – Last Day on Earth
Top notch choices if i may say so myself! You seem to have selected a bit of Avicii for your playlist, is he a major influence in your work? On the polar opposite of things, how do you boys like your eggs in the morning? haha.
Project 46
Ha Ha, yeah Avicii has been an influence, but you can’t just help but to include multiple tracks. The guy is just killing it. Poached eggs for me, and I am sure Thomas is allergic to eggs along side everything else in the world.
Haha, poor guy! How can anybody live without eggs? I mean, no french toast! And yes, Avicii definitely takes home the cake this year (allergy pun intended). Once again, completely on the flip-side of things, what’s your stance on glowsticks? I know how much certain dj’s “love” them, haha…
Project 46
Well, Although I really really hope we don’t take a few off the head during our shows, I can’t see why people are so against them. I believe it gives people the freedom to express themselves and that is an important part of EDM. Larger artists are compensated really well for there performances, so if they take the odd glow stick to the head, it should be laughed off.
Haha, right on, couldn’t agree with you more. Whats one or two glowsticks bonking you in the head every show…big whoop. lol. Last question here before we part ways, whats your new years resolution?
Project 46
I don’t think either of us has ever been able to see one through the entire year, therefore we are going to take the fifth on this one.
No worries, you still have two weeks left to think of one, haha. Thanks again! Any final words?
Project 46
Gotta give a massive shout out to everyone that has supported us. Family, Friends and our fans. Also a lot of notable artists have taken the time to kinda support & help us get to the next Level. The list is really to long to menton them all, but a huge Thank-you to Adam K, ARNEJ & Marcus Schossow. Their advice and brutal honesty in our earlier pieces really helped us get started on this amazing journey!
Cheers! Happy holidays 🙂
Project 46
Likewise! Thank you!
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