Twilight Driving – Dangerous


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Dec 10, 2018

Brighton, UK bassed four-piece indie pop group Twilight Driving delivers honest songs laden with catchy hooks, great stories, and big sounds. Their heartfelt music draws influences from 80’s inspired synthesizers and emotional pop ballads, so the end result will tug at your heart strings. Twilight Driving’s new single “Dangerous” may not have the most thought provoking instrumentation but the lyrics will dig you into a wall of emotions you may not be able to break out of. Check out “Dangerous” below now!

“‘Dangerous’ is about growing up and living in a city, when everything is constantly changing around you. Friends move away, relationships change and the impact that has on your health. Its that experience of moving from your teens and into your twenties, that everyone goes through.” – Twilight Driving


About the Contributor

Jimi Jaguar

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